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Pedro Janeiro
change management
As Head of global accounts for DesignThinkers and in his career as a design thinker, Pedro has conducted projects and trainings for corporations such as Coca-Cola, Nespresso, IBM, Vodafone, SAP, Deutsche Bank and Barclays Bank.
Pedro has delivered Design Thinking courses to over 1500 people since 2010, in bootcamps in the USA, Europe and Middle East, both for academical and corporate institutions. His service design projects earned 2 European awards —
Best corporate European intranet 2013, awarded by the Nielsen Norman Group for the work done at the utility company EDP, and the Financial Innovation Awards, London 2016 for the work done for BPI Bank on conceptualising the GoBanking solution.

Pedro is a guest lecturer both at the Molde University (Norway), and at Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) on Innovation and Design Thinking. Pedro is also a terrible electric guitar player annoying family and friends in equal measure.
of the business program
30.000 RUB
of the main program
40.000 RUB
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3 days of talks and workshops
5.000 RUB
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